Mixing it Up in the Dead Sea

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Mixing it Up in the Dead Sea

Work from Ben Gurion University in Israel uses MITgcm to explore the importance of non-hydrostatic effects in the Dead Sea.

Where the River Meets the Sea

A group from Japan has been using MITgcm to explore the spreading of river plumes.

How the Ocean Breaths

This month we spotlight research from a Georgia Tech team who have been revisiting early modeling experiments using MITgcm to take a closer look at oxygen uptake during deep convection.


Modeling internal convection on a gas giant using MITjcmThis month we look at work by Yohai Kaspi (a NOAA Climate and Global Change postdoctoral fellow currently working with Tapio Schneider at Caltech) who has been using MITgcm to model the atmosphere on a Jupiter-like gas giant…

Sea Ice

Figure 1. Arctic and Antarctic results from an eddy-permitting, MITgcm, global ocean and sea-ice simulation: Sea ice thickness distribution (color, in meters) averaged over the years 1992-2002. The ice-edge (estimated as the 15% isoline of ice concentration) retrieved from passive microwave satellite data is shown as a white contour for comparison. The top row shows the results for the Arctic Ocean and the bottom row for the Antarctic Oceans; the left column shows distributions for March and the right column for September.Work by Martin Losch of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany, Jean Michel Campin, Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill (at MIT) and Dimitris Menemenlis (JPL) extending the reach of the MITgcm in to the Polar oceans, with the development of a dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice model and its adjoint…


Figure 1. Temperature sections after 60 hours from (top left) the fully resolved model, (bottom left) the multi-scale simulation and (bottom right) the balanced model with a simple convective adjustment algorithm.Work by Jean-Michel Campin, Chris Hill, Helen Jones and John Marshall at MIT using the MITgcm to exploit a multi scale superparameterization approach to increase efficiency in modeling oceanic deep convection (ODC)…